Avocado wonderful fruits that modern medical research were unanimous on the exciting health benefits, it has been proven that it contributes to the fight against cancer of the blood and stimulates the feeling of satiety if eating half of it before lunch in addition to its role in reducing the levels of harmful fat.
Recently revealed a recent medical study supervised by US scientists from the California avocado that help reduce LDL cholesterol levels and kidney blood and reduces the risk of heart attack, causing the first death in the world.
The researchers found these results after evaluating 10 medical research on avocado, included 229 people, and the findings revealed that eating fruit or fruit and a half of an avocado a day significantly help reduce total cholesterol levels, as it succeeded in lowering LDL cholesterol levels in blood "ldl" and triglycerides.
The findings were published medical journal "Journal of Clinical Lipidology", and has also recently published on the website of the newspaper "Daily Mail" British.
Scientists are currently intensifying their efforts to identify the optimal quantity that must be addressed by the human daily from the fruit of the avocado, and will also make sure the relationship between eating this wonderful fruit and the chances of developing heart disease, diabetes and reduce excess weight disease.
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